Can I put DDR 400 RAM on my A7V333 Mobo?

Started by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman, 02 April 2005, 16:28:19

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

See, a fellow geek eventually convince me to replace my VisiPro RAM with Corsair, but when I went to the sole distributor, they said they don't have DDR 333 RAM anymore. They only have DDR 400 CL 2.5 and DDR 400 CL 2.

Since my Mobo is ASUS A7V333, can I put the DDR 400 RAM into my Mobo?

My friend said the DDR 400 CL 2.5 would probably be safe to be put on my Mobo, because the Mobo would see it as DDR 333 CL 2 RAM. Is that true?

How about putting a DDR 400 CL 2 on Mobo?



I own an Asus A7V333 Rev 2.0 (bios 1018 beta 1) and i tried on it Infineon DDR 400 and Samsung DDR 400.
The mobo booted without problem and i can read in the bios :
Sdram configuration : by SPD
Sdram Cas latency : 2.0T
Sdram Ras to Cas delay : 2T
Sdram Ras precharge time : 2T
Sdram active precharge delay : 5T

With DDR 333 :
by Spd

I'm pretty sure that my DDR 400 is CL 2.5 usually.

So your friend would be right. ;)

Frankly here DDR 400 CL 2 will not really useful and anyway more expensive.

If you have problems of stability with this (automatic) setup of the ddram, you can always slow down it in the bios ("Advanced/Chip Configuration/User define")

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman


Frankly here DDR 400 CL 2 will not really useful and anyway more expensive.

Thanks. I guess DDR 400 CL 2.5 is the way to go, then.