street legal

Started by skdenes, 29 June 2003, 12:57:31

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I have a vodoo3 2000 16mb driver 1.9 !
When i try to start the game it drop me the to desktop!
What is the bromlem .Can somebody help my?
I am hungarin .:D



do you have a link for this game ?

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Uh first off which verson of the game are you running? and have  you read over their faqs on their home page?  also do note that they say as for a minimum
"PII 600mhz
128 mb RAM
DX 8.1 compatible Graphics card w/16mb video memory
4x Speed CD Rom drive
Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
DX 8.1 compatible mouse and keyboard
700 mb free hard disk space"

but most that play the game (i did) say that its not playable with these conditions the recommended is:
"PIII 1ghz
256 mb RAM
DX 8.1 compatible Graphics card w/32mb video memory
8x Speed CD Rom drive
Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
DX 8.1 compatible mouse and keyboard
700 mb free hard disk space"

also another note, make sure your running the newest version of the game, I bought the game when it first came out and they released it UNFINISHED which sucked and there are currently 4 downloadable versions for it (last i knew) upto version 3 is great but the 4th patch once again makes it playable... the patches also suck because they are 50mbs each!!!  each patch makes the game completely different from handeling to parts, and the way cars look, game loading, music, and just over all playability...  if your running windows XP (which i suspect you are) they had lots of problems with the game minizeing and the 3rd patch takes care of most of it but if you don't want to download that then look for the other fan sites of street legal...  some claim that if you right click the file and play with some of the compatibility settings that will fix the dropping down of the window... well laterz and good luck...