Voodoo3 3000 overclocking adjustments

Started by leong, 21 December 2004, 19:57:10

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hello to everyone. i am new here and i'd just like to make a question. i have the voodoo3 3000 card and i heard its core is running on 166mhz if i am not mistaken. Can i overclock the card and put it on 175mhz? and if so, will i see any difference or not? does it worth the try and what speed do you suggest i put in order to ensure both good results along with my card's safety (i don't want to burn it) Many thanks and sorry if anything i 've just written is wrong. Waiting for tips! [8D]


Just move the speeds by a few mhz at a time, play a game to see if there are any artifacts(textures messed up, snow, or it freezes), and if there arn't raise it by a few mhz. Continue this until you get artifacts, when you do lower the core a bit and your set. It's really hard to actually fry the card..unless you raise it completly like an idiot. Depending on how high you will be able to clock it you should see higher frames..


On the card, this is a passive cooler ; you can perhaps install on it an active cooler like an old cpu 486 fan.
That can help the card since the OC is always dangerous.

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another thing you gotta think of: make sure if you OCĀ“ it, put a good fan and replace the default cooler, that way you ll have better stability, and that means more heat disipated, (meaning better frame execution keeping the vid card processor cold)


Hi to all
leong, you will not see any difference by overclocking a V3, because it allready has a high fillrate for its engine [8)]
Not to mention it runs very hot and overclocking without a fan would hurt it.
Keep your V3 as it is. It will serve you for many years to come :D


I had mine with an copper cooler for a chipset...very cool..overclocking it improved a lil bit my games..
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


im running mine voodoo3 @ 182 with no artifacts using dual heatsinks and dual fans.
2 * Voodoo 2 1000 In(SLI)
2 * Voodoo 2 in box
2 * Voodoo 3 2000 PCI
1 * Voodoo 3 3000 AGP
1 * Voodoo 3 3500 AGP in box
1 * Voodoo 4 4500 AGP
3 * Voodoo 5 5500 AGP
1 * Voodoo 5 5500 PCI