Ghost Recon with Voodoo 3 looks like crap

Started by Eirinjas, 11 November 2004, 09:26:05

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Ghost Recon on my Voodoo 3 2000 looks like crap. I never had a "blurry text" issue but the menu background is highly pixelated and most of the world textures in-game are so muddy that there's hardly any definition to them whatsoever. All the buildings look like soggy cardboard. Is there a way to fix this?


I take it this means no or nobody here knows.

ps47,you cant improve it should be glad it works on this old card..


Well, I had heard of the Mikepedo drivers that give support to 512x512 textures for Voodoo 3's under win9x/me but my systems run Win2k. I thought maybe someone would've taken that know-how and put it into Win2k/xp drivers. I would think it a give-in anyway.


mikepedo is supposed to give you 512*512 texture support under opengl (ghost recon is D3D),but it never worked for me..


Quotemikepedo is supposed
and will stay supposed
If i remember, it was something taken in the Xpentor drivers, so...

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