SFFT alpha drivers - V3/4/5 - Join to Testing

Started by Glide, 22 May 2004, 17:02:06

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NFSU the commercial versions works ok. I have noticed that some games that used SLI seem not to have problems with the Alpha 22. The most obvious was Raven Shield which ran in SLI mode using 3DA, it used only to work in Single chip mode. The blue screen decodes to a change that I made after the alpha 21, although I am not sure quite why it is happening.



Thank you for the info, I never thought that SLI would be an issue. In any case I am getting to understand that this problem is something that I will have to live with.


Like, i may be saying bull****, but with the new implementation of SLi by Nvidia, wouldn be possible to study they way of running it on win2000 and winXP and translate it to voodoo so it would be a problem also? Sorry by my english


I was thinking that these drivers are becoming very grown up now. Are you already thinking to create a Release Candidate V1.0 or something like it. Perhaps is is time to ;)
Porsche Owned!!!


I think that there are still issues that need looking at.



I maybe be asking too much, but i think SFFT you´re the only guy i know thath can answer this question : Why GTA3 and GTA Vice City wont run on The V3????? Like i´ve even head that on intel system it does, is this true???? Please forgiveme if im asking too much, but this is really upseting my mind


I've been having a couple problems with Neverwinter Nights.

I don't suppose anybody here has this game and has played with the SFFT drivers?  I've been having freezing errors during loading screens and the like, while graphical data is being loaded probably, and somebody has suggested that it might be the video card/drivers.  Has anybody had similar experiences?

There's also so problems with excessive black areas (not related to gamma) and glitching.  I'd post screenshots but they come out garbled when pasted into photoshop.  Again if anybody has any suggestions or knows what I'm talking about, the help would be appreciated.


..do you have the latest mesafx? What card do you have? if you want to post a screenshot,you will need hypersnap or something similar,regular programs cant capture glide screenshots..


QuoteOriginally posted by Dautonico

I maybe be asking too much, but i think SFFT you´re the only guy i know thath can answer this question : Why GTA3 and GTA Vice City wont run on The V3????? Like i´ve even head that on intel system it does, is this true???? Please forgiveme if im asking too much, but this is really upseting my mind

Wll they do work. Or, I have had vice city working on a Voodoo 3 3500 AGP. But that wasn't with these SFFT drivers unfortunately.
Porsche Owned!!!


Sorry, I should have been much more descriptive.  I'm using a Voodoo5 5500 with Windows XP SP2.  I was using SFFT 19 but now I've got 22 installed.  I haven't gotten the chance to play since installing the 22 version, so maybe it won't freeze anymore, but I'll post if it does.

My NWN settings are all minimal, with compatibility textures.  I only have a 700mhz machine, but it runs fine thanks to the SFFT drivers (praise SFFT!)  I have the entire platinum installation (NWN + two expansion packs).  I believe it was freezing even when I only had just the base game installed.  They are all fully updated using the online auto-updater.

For screenshots I was using alt+Print Screen.  It works on all the games I can remember trying, but evidently not NWN.  Is there a freeware screenshot program I can get that will work instead?

I don't know what Mesafx is or how to use it in conjunction with NWN.  I downloaded the current release just now and there's an opengl32.dll.  What do I do with this and how should my 3dfxtools be setup to use it?


MesaFX is an OpenGL ICD, just use it instead of the old 3dfx icd.
Put the glide3x.dll and opengl32.dll that came with the MesaFX package in your NWN folder and you are good to go.
For screenshots : In the 3dfx tools you can assign a key for taking screenshots under OpenGL. Its in the tab with Direct3D, OpenGL and General.


So far as I am aware Vice City requires a 32 Meg card. GTA3 freezes on a V3, I havn't managed to work out why. Is NWN a Directx game or an OpenGL game. it is worth testing with the Alpha 22 if its a DirectX game.



NWN is opengl.just use mesafx as Rolo01 suggested and you will be fine.my bet would be that NWN will use some terrible D3D safemode if you attempt to run it under xp with a voodoo5 without mesafx.btw,you are a voodooer and you dont know what mesafx is? tssk tssk..


GTA3 was known for running under Win9x and with an Intel cpu using the first 3dfx driver for DirX7.0 : 1.03.00 driver kit.

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Then why does the readme for NWN say it requires DX 8.1?

The latest Mesafx I downloaded on this site ( doesn't include a glide3x.dll, only opengl32.dll.  I'm having trouble understanding how placing it in the directory without having to register it would affect anything, but I suppose I'll take your word on it.

I looked through 3dfx tools and can't find anything mentioning screen shot or even allowing my to input a key for anything.