Voodoo 6000 Motherboard Mystery

Started by neurocrash, 15 February 2004, 05:39:38

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I purchased an Asus A7S333 motherboard to replace my failing Leadtek Winfast 7350KDA, for use with my Voodoo5 6000.  I read on this board that it would be compatible with the Voodoo5 series.

I installed the board, and found that it worked fine with the Voodoo5 5500.  When I installed the 6000, nothing.

I tried setting the BIOS to AGP 1X, 2X, and 4X and none produced a POST screen from the 6000.

Can anyone suggest what I'm missing, or how it may be possible that the Voodoo5 5500 works but not the 6000?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.



do you have the power adapter or a voltage mod on the V5 6k? what revision is it? perhaps hank could help you better than I...
When the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|Voodoo 5 5500 AGP|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card


Hmmm... Well, I can't recall where to look for the revision ID, but this is a board that works fine, and was repaired by Hank.  My motherboard was crashing more and more frequently, with the symptom of a squealing toroid, which has happened to three of my Leadtek Winfast 7350KDA motherboards so far.  I decided to look for a better alternative, and read that the Asus A7S333 board would run with 333mhz bus, and support the Voodoo.  For now, I'm still running the same speed bus and ram as before, an AMD 2100+ with PC2100 speed ram and 266mhz bus.  This is the same as the previous board where the V6K ran fine.

I understood that if the Voodoo5 5500 worked, the 6000 would too - and I'm quite lost as to why it won't.



FYI I have 12v and GND running directly from the system power supply to the Voodoo 6000.  No plugs, no external power supply.



Seems to be bad luck,
as the 6000 is in preproduction status, it is not guaranteed that it will work in every motherboard that the 5500 works in.
I witnessed the same with an Asus Tusl2, the 5500 worked fine but the 6000 wont post...
Have a look at www.voodoo6000.com, there is a list of recommended boards...



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Okay, so after looking over the list of compatibe motherboards from that site, I didn't see any that could use 333mhz FSB/Ram (and I could be wrong).  

Here's my question: Is there a board that supports 1x/2x/4x and 333mhz fsb (aside from the Asus A7S333)?

Thanks everyone!



In-ter-ac-tive :
The way video games were always meant to be played

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The revision of my Voodoo5 6000 appears to be 3700-A

The complete info is as follows:

Pc2A 94V-0 3700



The last version, so in theory stable

An other idea : what's your power supply ?

In-ter-ac-tive :
The way video games were always meant to be played

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you may be able to DOWN rev the BIOS on that motherboard.....  I remember a problem with the 333fsb boards and something to do with agp 4x being enabled no mater what.  There also may be a problem with your PCI/AGP latency timer being "off" a few with that fsb....
Bloody Mess