Searching special Voodoo Banshee Driver

Started by SailorSat, 03 April 2007, 23:07:49

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I'm currently searching a Banshee driver that supports custom modes (say 640x240) and custom timings.

The BansheeXP driver does have the TIMING keys in registry, but doesn't seem to use them.
The Banshee-Evolution driver doesn't have the TIMING keys.

Would it be possible to run an Voodoo3 driver on a Banshee? cause the sfft drivers do support the TIMING key.
I can do all that stuff even without joystick ;)


MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


powerstrip can change the timings on the available modes, i even can add any custom modes, however it actually doesn't add them.
powerstrip wants a reboot, and after that, there are no new video modes.

as i found out, powerstrip also modifies the TIMIMG keys in the registry.
I can do all that stuff even without joystick ;)


I doubt that the sfft drivers would work on a Banshee. I havn't tested them.



Not sure but perhaps the Wicked3D drivers for the Metabyte Banshee "Vengeance".
They support custom resolutions (refresh frequencies ?)
But i don't know if you can install them on any Banshee (don't know if they look for the vendor ID ?)

edit :
they don't exist for XP, "of course"

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This thread is very old, but regarding the SuperFurryFurryThing's post, I can confirm SFFT drivers don't work with 3dfx Banshee video cards.

Bye bye