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Messages - C. Zoui

After an idiot sent me my first Voodoo5 5500 PCI in an envelope and it was bent up, I purchased another one.  Comparing the two, they're different cards.

With the cards fan-side up and the gold teeth facing me, both say REV A1 under the right-most fan.


The first card has Toshiba RAM from Japan.  It also has three things the second card does not: one small chip Southwest of the left-most fan (appears to have the Texas Instruments logo), one larger Silicon Image chip Northwest of the left-most fan, and one small capacitor North of the Silicon Image chip.  Flipping over the card, with the inputs on the right side, it is labeled 94V-0 2900.

The second card has Samsung RAM from Korea.  It has space for but lacks the three above components.  It is differently labeled on the reverse side as 94V-0 2700.

I did a search on this forum and couldn't find anything on the different cards.  Do you think there would be any difference in performance?  Which one is more rare?