
Started by PanoramixDruida, 07 October 2003, 14:09:05

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A question:

Temporal AA in V5 6K is possible?:D


Hi all...
I had those crashes/hangups in games too, but just in D3D games..
When I took Enable Write Combining in display settings off, all D3D games don't crash/hang anymore...

Maybe this is old news but anyway..

I use XP and AM 3.0 with Mesafx in V56K



if you can give us more stuff like:

QuoteHmmm... it seems that Hitman Contracts pumps precompressed S3TC textures into OpenGL, based only on the faint assumption of GL_EXT_texture_compression.

OpenGL spec does not bind GL_EXT_texture_compression to any specific format whatsoever, so this technique is really disgusting. That is, GL_EXT_texture_compression might exist, but the renderer might choose to provide FXT1 only, for example.

Bad OpenGL coding exists everywhere, and is unfortunate that we, driver developers have to deal with such things...

Other examples:
BloodRayne demo: does check for WGL_ARB_render_texture/WGL_ARB_pbuffer, but right after the test (and regardless of its result) it jumps into WGL_ARB_pbuffer routines. Hmmm... Also tries to use 4 TMUs, regardless of the OpenGL limits.
ONI demo: by some magic (and contrary to any OpenGL techniques) it fetches the function pointers of BlendColor and assumes GL_EXT_blend_color is present.
Savage2 demo: well, it blindly assumes GL_EXT_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression and GL_S3_s3tc.
UT2004 demo: issues some cube_map commands, even if cube mapping is not available.

Then we the people of 3dfxzone can work on the game developers to make the game comply (via patches) with the openGL rules that they are supposed to be doing in the first place! some of us are here to help in any way we can.[8D]
Bloody Mess


QuoteOriginally posted by bloodworm

if you can give us more stuff like:

QuoteHmmm... it seems that Hitman Contracts pumps precompressed S3TC textures into OpenGL, based only on the faint assumption of GL_EXT_texture_compression.

OpenGL spec does not bind GL_EXT_texture_compression to any specific format whatsoever, so this technique is really disgusting. That is, GL_EXT_texture_compression might exist, but the renderer might choose to provide FXT1 only, for example.

Bad OpenGL coding exists everywhere, and is unfortunate that we, driver developers have to deal with such things...

Other examples:
BloodRayne demo: does check for WGL_ARB_render_texture/WGL_ARB_pbuffer, but right after the test (and regardless of its result) it jumps into WGL_ARB_pbuffer routines. Hmmm... Also tries to use 4 TMUs, regardless of the OpenGL limits.
ONI demo: by some magic (and contrary to any OpenGL techniques) it fetches the function pointers of BlendColor and assumes GL_EXT_blend_color is present.
Savage2 demo: well, it blindly assumes GL_EXT_vertex_buffer_object, GL_EXT_texture_compression and GL_S3_s3tc.
UT2004 demo: issues some cube_map commands, even if cube mapping is not available.

Then we the people of 3dfxzone can work on the game developers to make the game comply (via patches) with the openGL rules that they are supposed to be doing in the first place! some of us are here to help in any way we can.[8D]

Haha, that's a good one. In order for that to happen, the game developers would first have to ADMIT they did something wrong, and that SOMEBODY ELSE figured it out before they did. They, they would have to develop patches for it! And of course, that's in order to support good old 3Dfx hardware, stuff they really don't care about and has been lost from their "official support" list for, oh, about 3 1/2 years now! No offense, but I don't see it happening.
When the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|Voodoo 5 5500 AGP|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card


I'm uploading release candidate4 today, at my situ:
  • added GL_EXT_fog_coord for Voodoo2 and up
  • added GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate for Napalm
As soon as Koolsmoky fixes some win32 interface issues we'll have

I admit that bloodworm's point of view is somehow idealistic, but I never said those games should support good ol' 3Dfx hardware (that's my job). Just to use OpenGL adequately (that's their job). If they choose chaos, why use an API after all?

MESA_FX_IGNORE_TEXUS2 is back in business in rc4.

That is exactly my point. In order to test/use Mesa, people should stick with stable drivers with stable settings.

TemporalAA was developed on the 6k [:p] So I guess it works, but that's done inside Glide, not Mesa. Use the Glide3x DLL that ships with Mesa. Just browse this thread if you don't know how to activate it.

Which brings me to another thing... Since I hate writing docs, FalconFly gave me an idea: this whole thread might be packaged in official Mesa releases, as a substitute for documentation [:p]
Daniel Borca


QuoteOriginally posted by dborca

Whether it crashes when you try to take a HyperSnap screenshot is not a criterion. It did not crash on my Napalm. Ever. Try to use other Glide3x libraries to see where theproblem is.

ATTN everybody on this thread:
It's a general rule of thumb that people always bitch about Mesa, even when other software is faulty (either be it directx part of the driver, or third party software). Well, it works the other way, too: maybe Mesa is doing things right and the others don't. I'm not paid to accomplish full compatibility with every d@mn piece of software in the world. I'm not paid at all. However, I WILL continue MesaFX support, just for fun. I don't say that MesaFX is bugfree. Au contraire... But, before making assertions about buggy MesaFX, /PLEASE/ try everything that's possible to eliminate other sources of errors. I might be able to workaround conflicts with certain software, but I need something more than: "omigosh! it crashed".

you are right,of course.I was not trying to complain,I was trying to give some feedback.apparently I'm not too good at it[B)].now I feel miserable,everyone comes here to say how great mesafx is and I'm the only one that keeps bugging.I apologize for being such an annoyance[:(].
mesafx is the best thing ever and I will not complain no matter what..

ok,enough.tested hitman contracts on my voodoo3,and it works now,just good as if not better..


QuoteOriginally posted by ps47
[brI apologize for being such an annoyance[:(].
mesafx is the best thing ever and I will not complain no matter what..
It's ok. I was addressing to everyone around. It seemed to me a general trend.

Quoteok,enough.tested hitman contracts on my voodoo3,and it works now,just good as if not better..
Daniel Borca


tested hitman contracts on my voodoo5 as well,and everything seems to be ok now,no more crashes[8D].sounds like my config was the culprit,however osckhar had the same probs.hmmm..


hi iam form argentina so , sorry for my english ;d.
i have this: a pentium 2 350, 64 of sdr pc100, a vodoo 4500 agp ( but the L-card, not the retaild one ), and W9x, i try  this drivers

x3dfx Community Win9X 1.08.04
Raziel64 evolution for v4/5
and the amigm 2.9 with the las metaFX release
i play hl ( TFC ), an really old game, but with the x3dfx drivers, make me a huge fps dropp, with the razo64's drivers, i get better performanse, but with the last the amig 2.9+metaFX last release y get a delay in the mouse movement and in the keyboard movements ( A W S D ), but with the glexess ( opgl bench ) i get huge better perfor with the amig and the metaFX,

800*16 raziel64's 3dfx Evolution Drivers 9x 3dfx - 3Dfx/Voodoo4 (tm)/2 TMUs/32 MB SDRAM/ICD (Jan 16 2001)/GxpOGL Build 0106
= 1886 - XSMARKS ( normal details )

and with the metaFX and amig i get around 3500 with normal details

how can i fix the problem of the mouse delay?

or i need a better system to run the metaFX and amig.

Powered by:
Pentium 2  350 Slot 1
3dfx Vodoo 4500 32 Vram Napalm AGP | OEM( L-Card )
64 MB ram pc 100 ;D


"kaneda-san", next time, post only once.

(trata de postear tu problema solo 1 ves, el lugar donde hiciste el otro post igual, es mas apropiado que este, porque aca es el Feedback del MesaFX).
igual no hay tanto problema, mas q nada para que sepas "the forum's rules" jeje, te dejo. Bienvenido a la escena tana de 3dfx!. Kaneda por Akira, no? (a mi tambien me gusta mucho el anime) BYEs. Te dejo antes q me maten por este post largo en español, jeje.

PS: sorry for this "short" reply to kaneda-san in spanish.


Try to use MesaFX with Raziel drivers. It should work.

I am aware of that mouse "lag", but haven't paid much attention to it. I'm not sure the problem lies with OpenGL or win32 interface.

Today, 02-jul-2004, I uploaded rc5 at my situ. Nothing new, but due to some changes in the core, I had to fix the driver and wanna make sure everything is in place for the new release.
Daniel Borca


I just did a short test of NWN with RC5 and everything seems to be AOK.  tried Amigamerlin 2.9 for 98se and the intro movies are still not playing.  I will try winxp and am3.0 next.  just being able to play the game is super great!

the level editor (toolset) in NWN still does not work since it comes up with a "cannot create 3d window" error (this I already know is a limitation of your driver from the start, you explained it once to me in the past)  BUT I just got a hold of rainbows newest 3dfx0gl.dll (build 008) and the toolset works flawlessly (albeit slower than your driver though).  I have the source for you as well, I am not sure if it will help you out or not, but rainbow has given us permission to use it and post it if we want to.  for now, we can just use YOUR mesafx to run the game and then we can just use rainbows 3dfxogl addon to run the toolset!  sweet!

well off to bed for a catnap, as I am going dancing at my fav industrial club tonight......
Bloody Mess


Would someone send me the Rainboow 3dfxogl addon to my email please?

TIA fellas ;)
AmigaMerlin / SFFT / MesaFX
Sempron64 3000+, 512MB DDR400 2,5-3-3-11
Voodoo5 5500 PCI (Rev 3100)


Voodoo5 5500 AGP with Special VGA BIOS Setup


Cool! The Rainbow himself!

Sorry the newby question but where to am i supposed to put the
3dfxogl file, cause i replace the one in the system32 dir on
WinXP and in Quake3 for example the screen gets scrambled.

AmigaMerlin / SFFT / MesaFX
Sempron64 3000+, 512MB DDR400 2,5-3-3-11
Voodoo5 5500 PCI (Rev 3100)