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Infinity Ward has released the patch 1.4 for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This update adds Winter Crash", a holiday version of Multiplayer map "Crash", improves server browser and fixes some rare bullet accuracy issues for all weapons. Of course this patch includes all fixes and improvements from previous patches too. Please read "Release Notes"...
Infinity Ward has released the 1.3 patch for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This patch addresses the issue reported by community member Uzi Kidding which now catches some files bypassing the pure client test. In addition this update will set properties so that Anti-lag is always enabled upon map loads, an optimization for Sniper Rifle accuracty...
It's on line new patch version 1.1 of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, latest first-person shooter related to Call of Duty 4 series, developed by Treyarch and published by Activision.
This patch addresses the issue of Rank / Stat resets reported by users moving from a Modded / Un-ranked server to a non Modded / Ranked Server. This update...
Activision ha diffuso un trailer del game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, prossimo episodio della saga Call of Duty, attualmente in fase di sviluppo ed atteso sul mercato nel corso della stagione autunnale. Il filmato, che č in formato Quick Time, occupa circa 35.2Mb e fornisce un output HD con risoluzione pari a 720p, contiene delle scene tratte da...