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Among the downloads related to 3dfx products, we have just updated the category related to the technology demos, a genre of applications very used by the 3dfx developers.
Valley of Ra Demo
More in detail, we have added a lot of official tech demos officially released by 3dfx for its graphics cards, including those based on the Arcade Tool...
We have just added to our 3dfx Software Repository a driver release for Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 cards named "Koolsmoky Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit @ 21/02/2010". This software until now was downloadable only visiting a thread at the enboard. While, starting from now, it is part of our repository, and so it's available for all. The file's descriptions...
Vi segnaliamo un interessante lavoro di porting incentrato sul tema 3dfx che č stato presentato di recente nel forum in lingua inglese di
Pių in dettaglio, l'utente della english board Maraakate ha focalizzato la propria attenzione sull'esecuzione dei game Quake, QuakeWorld, FitzQuake e Quake 2 (di cui segue uno screenshot) in...
Here's the latest Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit published by
Koolsmoky at english
forums. This package is basically a
driver for both reference 3dfx Voodoo2 graphics accelerators and Quantum3D Obsidian2 cards. It includes bleeding edge builds of 3dfx glide2x and glide3x drivers from
Experimental Voodoo2 driver release from Geri, our member at english
forums: LegendgrafiX VoodooMage 2.5.xTreme beta supports 3dfx Voodoo2 and 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI cards under Microsoft Windows XP.Its design allows to run Direct3D beyond to GLide and OpenGL games and some Direct3D TnL games featuring an experimental TnL embedded support.
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