3dfxzone.it RSS Feeds
We are working to host our contents over http and ftp media as well as XML/RSS based channels: so you can look bottom for current open 3dfxzone.it RSS feeds. Of course, we want keep this table always updated by other new rows as soon as possible.
What Is RSS?
Most sources define RSS as an acronym standing for Really Simple Syndication; other sources say the acronym derives from Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary. In fact, all may be correct. Whatever the letters stand for, RSS is a light-weight XML format for distributing headlines, links, and brief descriptions of Web-based content. Web content providers develop and serve RSS "feeds," or streams of headline content designed to be accessed by news aggregator or RSS reader client software. An RSS reader lets you peruse headlines, read summaries, and the click links to specific stories to open them right on their original Web sites in your default Web browser.
At last RSS is an Internet format that gives you a new way to quickly and easily access Web-based headlines and news as well as files and articles links from a wide variety of sources. It's most often used for showing the latest headlines from online newspapers, magazines, weblogs, and vendor and technology information sites.
Using RSS Feed
To access an RSS feed, you need a software program known as a news aggregator or RSS reader. If you already have a news aggregator and it supports auto-discovery, you can usually add an RSS link for a given site by using your aggregator to surf the home page of that Web site. You can use Snarfer 0.9, on line here. However you can add an RSS link Manually: all latest browsers, like Internet Explorer 7 as well as Mozilla FireFox 2 and Opera 9, give you RSS reading feature.