Innodisk ha fornito i primi sample di moduli di RAM di tipo RDIMM (Registered DIMM) basati su tecnologia DDR4 alle principali organizzazioni che, nel panorama internazionale, operano nel comparto della progettazione dei sistemi server, al fine di supportare lo sviluppo delle soluzioni di nuova generazione che utilizzano la nuova tecnologia DDR4.
In accordo a Innodisk, i nuovi moduli DDR4 (Double Data Rate 4) sono il frutto di un lavoro di sviluppo durato otto anni e rappresentano uno step evolutivo
dell'attuale tecnologia DDR3 "in tutti i sensi". In estrema sintesi, offrono performance superiori, pur riducendo la dimensione fisica e
la potenza elettrica dissipata. Ne consegue che diviene meno critica la tematica relativa al raffreddamento ed inoltre viene minimizzato il fenomeno di invecchiamento dei dispositivi per surriscaldamento.
I moduli di DDR4 lavorano fisicamente a 2133MHz, offrendo un data rate pari a 3.2Gbps, e naturalmente questi valori sono destinati a subire delle progressive variazioni (incrementi) come già avvenuto per le soluzioni DDR3 (e precedenti). Il punto di polarizzazione dei moduli DDR4 è pari a 1.2V, ed è dunque inferiore a quello delle DDR3 (1.35V o 1.5V a seconda dei casi), mentre il consumo di potenza viene ridotto del 40%. Infine, la capacità massima teorica dei moduli è stata raddoppiata, passando da 64GB (per i moduli DDR3) a 128GB.
I sample annunciati da Innodisk con il comunicato stampa che vi proponiamo di seguito sono disponibili con capacità pari a 4GB, 8GB e 16GB.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Innodisk is proud to be among the first to supply (DDR4) registered DIMM product samples to key server companies for their next-generation
systems. With this announcement, Innodisk, an industry leader in DRAM modules for industrial applications and embedded systems, will continue to offer
the most advanced technology to its customers.
The result of almost eight years of development, DDR4 (Double Data Rate 4) technology improves on the previous generation, DDR3, in every way. These
new memory products provide users with greater performance, but can still cut costs by saving power and space, and reducing waste heat.
DDR4 offers a giant leap in peak performance over DDR3 technology, with a 3.2 Gbps data transfer rate. In fact, DDR4 could eventually even surpass this
already high rate, according to standards organization JEDEC, in the same way that DDR3 surpassed its initial ceiling of 1.6 Gbps. DDR4 memory bus speeds
start at 2133MHz, which already offers a huge jump in potential performance from the average bus speed of 1333MHz and 1666MHz offered by DDR3.
DDR4 devices run on significantly lower voltages than devices using DDR3 or DDR2 technology. JEDEC's specifications suggest that DDR4 will operate with a
power envelope of 1.2 volts, compared to the 1.5 volts demanded by the more power-hungry DDR3 generation. Lower voltages help extend component lifespans.
Power consumption:
DDR4 modules will reduce power consumption by approximately 40 percent compared to its predecessor DDR3 modules operating at 1.35V. Lower power
consumption offers lower operating costs by cutting power bills, as well as a substantial reduction in heat output which helps extend lifetimes of system
components, further reducing costs.
With DDR4, the maximum capacity per chip has now been doubled from 64GB to 128GB. The higher memory densities possible with DDR4 will save space, simplify
module construction, and improve internal airflow.
With this head start in DDR4 technology, Innodisk is ready meet the needs of tomorrow's applications. As the IT landscape moves to adopt cloud computing
practices, companies are relying more heavily on data centers with powerful server infrastructures. Innodisk offers registered DIMM in capacities of 4GB, 8GB
and 16GB, so that Innodisk server customers can always be sure to have the perfect product to suit the exact capacity of each of their system designs.
Innodisk looks forward to working together with server OEMs to create the next-generation platforms that are demanded by tomorrow’s challenges.
Source: Innodisk Press Release