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 Il video tributo perfetto per raccontare 3dfx ai lettori di ogni generazione
A distanza di circa 22 anni dalla prima condivisione, siamo lieti di riproporre in questa pagina un breve contenuto multimediale, realizzato da un appassionato di hardware noto con il nickname di "Chris_B", che riteniamo possa essere utile in particolare ai lettori che, per questioni anagrafiche (beati loro, ndr), non abbiano avuto la possibilità di...
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 A new unofficial revision of the 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 128MB card comes to life
Using a metodology based on a non-destructive reverse engineering process, the developer Anthony - you can access to its facebook page opening this URL - has built a video card named Napalm 6000 S.U.X. (Special Unified Xcelerator). 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 128MB As some readers can maybe guess, this board features an in-house implementation of...
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 Photogallery: 2nd revision of 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition
If you remember the video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition - that we have recentely showed off it also with this article - surely it's interesting to know its creator ciacara has already a new prototype just named 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition 2.0. Compared to the initial revision, the 3dfx Voodoo5...
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 3dfx, again: it's time to show the Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition
Oh yeah, this is again time to work on 3dfx hardware and to get a modded SKU, always with maximum graphics card respect for its unrepeatable history. 3dfx modder and great hardware enthusiast ciacara, members of both 3dfxzone.it forums and Communities, has just shared several photos and accurated descriptions (in both english and italian...
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 Photos of a video card 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 with its rare commercial box
Several photos of a whole commercial bundle of a never sold video card 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 have been posted at [H]ard|OCP's forum by a enthusiast collector named Artex just some time ago. And it's interesting to observe that these images include some pictures of this product's rare box as well as documentation and setup cdrom. The...
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