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Contenuti associati al tag: voodoomage

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 3dfx Voodoo2 - LegendgrafiX VoodooMage 2.5.xTreme - Windows XP
Experimental Voodoo2 driver release from Geri, our member at english forums: LegendgrafiX VoodooMage 2.5.xTreme beta supports 3dfx Voodoo2 and 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI cards under Microsoft Windows XP.Its design allows to run Direct3D beyond to GLide and OpenGL games and some Direct3D TnL games featuring an experimental TnL embedded support. What's new on...
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 Unreal 2 - Voodoo2 - WinXP - LegendgrafiX VoodooMage Driver
The 3dfxzone.it forums member Boss posted some screenshots of Unreal 2 game: he got these using 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI cards on Microsoft Windows XP OS.The video driver for Voodoos configuration was the LegendgrafiX VoodooMage 2.2.0: it' s the first driver kit for Voodoo2 cards that enables an experimental Direct 3D support for Windows XP allowing to...
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