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Contenuti associati al tag: voodoo5

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 YouTube Video | FSAA, Gigapixel, and T-Buffer: that is 3dfx Voodoo5 5500
Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA), that is "make hell look like heaven", Gigapixel, because "you dream in gigapixels, and so why not play the same way?", and T-Buffer, because question is "what is reality and what isn't", are three marketing highlighted features in order to tease an upcoming video card: the 3dfx Voodoo5 5500.All 3dfx marketing assets...
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 A lot of official 3dfx technology demos added to the 3dfxzone.it repository
Among the downloads related to 3dfx products, we have just updated the category related to the technology demos, a genre of applications very used by the 3dfx developers. Valley of Ra Demo More in detail, we have added a lot of official tech demos officially released by 3dfx for its graphics cards, including those based on the Arcade Tool...
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 Photogallery: 2nd revision of 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition
If you remember the video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition - that we have recentely showed off it also with this article - surely it's interesting to know its creator ciacara has already a new prototype just named 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition 2.0. Compared to the initial revision, the 3dfx Voodoo5...
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 3dfx, again: it's time to show the Voodoo5 5500 Arctic Accelero L2 Plus Edition
Oh yeah, this is again time to work on 3dfx hardware and to get a modded SKU, always with maximum graphics card respect for its unrepeatable history. 3dfx modder and great hardware enthusiast ciacara, members of both 3dfxzone.it forums and Communities, has just shared several photos and accurated descriptions (in both english and italian...
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 La video card 3dfx Voodoo5 gira su Windows 10 con il driver Microsoft nativo
Ebbene sì, la video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 è supportata nativamente dal Sistema Operativo Microsoft Windows 10. Ovviamente, poichè la Voodoo5 è stata commercializzata da 3dfx nel 2000 mentre Windows 10 è stato rilasciato da Microsoft nel 2015, la compatibilità tra l'hardware di 3dfx e il software di Microsoft si ferma a un livello di base, che,...
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