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Contenuti associati al tag: voodoo3

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 A lot of official 3dfx technology demos added to the 3dfxzone.it repository
Among the downloads related to 3dfx products, we have just updated the category related to the technology demos, a genre of applications very used by the 3dfx developers. Valley of Ra Demo More in detail, we have added a lot of official tech demos officially released by 3dfx for its graphics cards, including those based on the Arcade Tool...
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 Quake, QuakeWorld, FitzQuake e Quake 2 per DOS con Voodoo2, Voodoo3 e Voodoo5
Vi segnaliamo un interessante lavoro di porting incentrato sul tema 3dfx che è stato presentato di recente nel forum in lingua inglese di 3dfxzone.it. Più in dettaglio, l'utente della english board Maraakate ha focalizzato la propria attenzione sull'esecuzione dei game Quake, QuakeWorld, FitzQuake e Quake 2 (di cui segue uno screenshot) in...
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 Screenshots: Half-Life 2: Episode One - Voodoo3 - Windows XP
kekit, member of 3dfxzone.it forums, posted two screenshots of Half-Life 2: Episode One. This game was runned on 32 bit platform using a AMD Athlon 2400+ as central processor and a 3dfx Voodoo3 3000 PCI as video card and Microsoft Windows XP as Operative System. Voodoo3 card driver was SFFT Alpha 40 (it supports Windows 2000 and Windows...
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 V3TV, a project for Voodoo3 3500 TV and Linux family OSes
Driver video per il controllo delle funzionalità di acquisizione audio e video con la card 3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV in ambiente Linux. Per ulteriori informazioni in merito a questo progetto, per accedere alle faq ed al download è sufficiente visitare i link allegati. Linux video capture driver for the 3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV. For other info about this...
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 Bios v. 2.15.07 PAL per 3dfx Voodoo3 3500TV
Finalmente disponibile per il download la versione più recente del bios per le card 3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV aderenti allo standard televisivo PAL. Ringraziamo Zavo per averci inviato il file. Finally latest PAL version of Voodoo3 3500 TV bios is available for download: we send many thanks to Zavo for this file. Links Download this file Comment...
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