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Contenuti associati al tag: tnl

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 TnL Emulation Tools: 3D-Analyze 2.36
3D-Analyze is a tool for transform and lightning hardware emulation. So it is very useful for running TnL games on video cards that have not on board dedicated circuits for TnL calculations (like all Voodoo, Kyro, some Radeon and older). It uses power of central processing unit to do emulation.3D-Analyze è un programma in grado di consentire l'utilizzo...
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 New package for both old and incoming 3dfx TnL patches
Matching requests from not skilled users we will give a new user interface to patches, and so a new and more user friendly template will be used for T&L patches. Our patches enable 3dfx support for latest games requiring video cards with hardware TnL will be shipped with a new and more user friendly package: it will make possible a valid semplification...
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 3dfx and TnL games: Contract JACK patch for Voodoo4/5 series
A newer patch is available for Contract JACK SP demo game that adds 3dfx Voodoo4 and 3dfx Voodoo5 cards support on Windows XP environments. A right choice is using it with 3dfx Amigamerlin 3.0 XP driver and MS DirectX 9.0 or above. Disponibile una patch per il gioco Contract JACK Singleplayer in versione demo che introduce il supporto delle...
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 3dfx and TnL games: Painkiller patch for Voodoo4/5 series
A newer patch is available for Painkiller game that adds 3dfx Voodoo4 and 3dfx Voodoo5 cards support on Windows XP environments. A right choice is using it with 3dfx Amigamerlin 3.0 XP driver and MS DirectX 9.0 or above. Related links More info and download Discuss about this news Disponibile una patch per il gioco Painkiller che introduce...
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 TnL emulation: 3D -Analyze v. 2.26
E' disponibile per il download la nuovissima versione del 3D Analyzer noto software per emulare sotto Windows XP le feature delle nuove schede video tra cui anche il T&L. Le novità introdotte sono molteplici tra le quali possiamo annoverare la possibilità di utilizzare ID e Vendor ID di altre schede come la ATI9800 e 8500 e la Nvidia 4600 e 5900. Potete...
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