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Contenuti associati al tag: star wars

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 YouTube Gameplay: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy | 32x CSAA Antialiasing
You're welcome to watch our first gameplay footage taken from the official Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy demo, the fourth and final video game in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy can be played as first-person shooter and third-person shooter, and make available both single-player and multiplayer version. Star...
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 Massive e Ubisoft pubblicano il trailer di lancio di Star Wars Outlaws
Massive Entertainment e Ubisoft, in qualità rispettivamente di developer e publisher, hanno condiviso il seguente trailer di lancio del video game Star Wars Outlaws, un action-adventure collocato naturalmente nella galassia di Star Wars. In accordo alla descrizione ufficiale pubblicata da Ubisoft, Star Wars Outlaws è temporalmente ambientato fra...
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 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II is a first-person shooter videogame developed and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows on October 10th, 1997. Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II - official screenshot [1/2] It's second entry of Star Wars: Jedi Knight videogame series as well as the sequel of Star Wars: Dark Force, released by same...
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 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire is a third-person shooter enriched with a lot of vehicular combat actions. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by starwars.com [1/2] It has been developed and released by LucasArts first for Nintendo 64 and than for Microsoft Windows 95 PCs in 1997. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by starwars.com [2/2] This demo...
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 EA annuncia il periodo di rilascio del game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Il publisher EA ha annunciato che il prossimo videogame della serie Star Wars, denominato Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, sarà rilasciato nel corso dell'autunno del 2019 per tutte le piattaforme di gioco supportate. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order è attualmente in fase di sviluppo presso gli uffici di Respawn Entertainment, la software house già nota...
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