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Contenuti associati al tag: reactor

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 XGI Announced New Version Reactor Driver R1.09.68
Taipei—Dec 19, 2005—XGI Technology Inc., a leading graphics chipset design company, today announced its release of the latest Reactor Driver R1.09.68 for the Volari series graphics chipsets, Volari V8, Volari V5 and Volari V3XT solutions. Reactor 1.09.68 is packed with the usual added support for new release game titles, extra game play enhancements,...
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 XGI Announced New Version Reactor Driver R1.09.60
Taipei—Oct 5, 2005—XGI Technology Inc., a leading graphics chipset design company, today announced its release of the latest Reactor Driver R1.09.60 for the Volari series graphics chipsets with improved performance for both game compatibility and video quality. The new driver is available for public download from the XGI website: http://www.xgitech.com/sd/sd_download.asp. The...
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 Volari Reactor Driver 1.09.50 beta - Windows 98/ME/2k/XP/XP64
XGI ha reso disponibile una revisione aggiornata, nello status di beta, del driver kit a corredo delle sue schede grafiche Volari Duo/V8/V5/V3XT. Questo software supporta i Sistemi Operativi Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/XP64.Collegamenti Download Commenta questa news ...
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 Volari Reactor Driver per Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
XGI ha pubblicato la release v. 1.07.53 del driver unificato Volari Reactor il cui design consente il supporto simultaneo delle schede video XGI dotate di processore grafico Volari V3, Volari V5, Volari V5 Ultra, Volari V8, Volari V8 Ultra e Volari Duo: sono disponibili pacchetti aggiornati sia per gli ambienti Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME sia gli ambienti...
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 XGI Volari Reactor 1.0 drivers
Sono gia' disponibili i primi driver x tutte le schede XGI Volari.SCARICA I DRIVER...
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