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Contenuti associati al tag: glide

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 Historical videogame demos suggested by 3dfxzone | Tomb Raider 3dfx Demo
Tomb Raider is first chapter of the well-known homonymous video game series that rotates around its main character Lara Croft, an english archaeologist always in search of ancient treasures, and not only. Tomb Raider - Marketing asset Tomb Raider is an action-adventure videogame: it has been developed by Core Design and published in 1996 for...
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 Gaming with 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI, Glide/OpenGL videogames, and tech demos
This video brings out several game scenes recorded using a gaming system based on multi-card and multi-monitor setup. More in detail, we've used two Creative 3D Blaster Voodoo2 12MB graphics accelerators, connected by the 3dfx technology named SLI, and two LCD monitors to manage respectively outputs of SLI graphics subsystem and primary...
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 3dfx Drivers: Koolsmoky Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit @ 21/02/2010
We have just added to our 3dfx Software Repository a driver release for Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 cards named "Koolsmoky Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit @ 21/02/2010". This software until now was downloadable only visiting a thread at the enboard. While, starting from now, it is part of our repository, and so it's available for all. The file's descriptions...
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 3dfx Voodoo1 - GlideXP x64 Experimental build 1121 - Windows XP x64 Edition
Voodoo 1 GlideXP x64 is a driver kit that allow to use 3dfx Voodoo 1 cards with Glide games and applications on Operating System Windows XP x64. It includes an all new 64-bit Kernel driver (fxvoodoo.sys) and original 3dfx NT4 Glide DLLs (glide2x.dll and glide3x.dll). Voodoo 1 GlideXP x64 Experimental works by reimplimenting the...
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 Alla GDC Valve presenterā glNext, le OpenGL di nuova generazione
La Game Developers Conference, che si terrā dal 2 al 6 marzo in quel di San Francisco, in California, č stata scelta da Valve per presentare al mondo il progetto glNext che, come si intuisce dalla sua stessa denominazione, si candida a rappresentare il prossimo step evolutivo delle API grafiche OpenGL, che sappiamo essere state utilizzate, specialmente...
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