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Contenuti associati al tag: call of duty 4 modern warfare

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 Una immagine leaked svela la data di lancio di Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Una recente locandina leaked, realizzata probabilmente dal marketing di Activision per gli store fisici in merito a Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, prossimo capitolo della serie di first-person shooter Call of Duty, ha svelato sia la data di lancio del prodotto che le edizioni previste in termini di bundle commerciali. Più in dettaglio,...
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 Infinity Ward rilascia Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch 1.7
After only few weeks from 1.6 release, Infinity Ward released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC Patch 1.7. The update improves both game security and stability. There're official changes: Fixed an exploit that allowed players to access certain console dvars during multi-player matches. Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chinatown Sabotage...
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 Infinity Ward rilascia Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch 1.6
Infinity Ward has released the patch 1.6 for its title Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This update adds four new maps: Creek, Chinatown, Broadcast, and Killhouse. Besides it includes both a fix for a Denial of Service attack and all the changes up to patch 1.5. Please read "Release Notes" if you are looking for more info. [High Resolutio...
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 Infinity Ward rilascia Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Mod Tools
Pacchetto di tool (603Mb) reso disponibile da Infinity Ward per la personalizzazione del suo game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Mod Tools fornisce tutti gli strumenti necessari ai gamer per la realizzazione di nuovi livelli, nuovi modelli e mod. Questa release è compatibile con la versione in lingua inglese del...
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 Infinity Ward rilascia Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch 1.4
Infinity Ward has released the patch 1.4 for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This update adds Winter Crash", a holiday version of Multiplayer map "Crash", improves server browser and fixes some rare bullet accuracy issues for all weapons. Of course this patch includes all fixes and improvements from previous patches too. Please read "Release Notes"...
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