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Contenuti associati al tag: Tomb Raider Legend

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 Tomb Raider: Legend Demo | 1080p | 8x anti-aliasing & 16x anisotropic filtering
This footage shows off first eleven minutes gameplay recorded from Tomb Raider: Legend demo for Windows PCs. To highlights full potential of Tomb Raider: Legend graphics engine, we've configured the videogame with 1080p graphics resolution as well as with 8x anti-aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering. Tomb Raider: Legend is the seventh entry...
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 Historical videogame demos suggested by 3dfxzone | Tomb Raider: Legend Demo
Tomb Raider: Legend is the seventh entry of legendary action adventure videogame series focused on main character the archaeologist Lara Croft. Tomb Raider - Official screenshot Developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Eidos Interactive in 2006 for Windows and gaming consoles, Tomb Raider: Legend is a reboot of the series where that...
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