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Contenuti associati al tag: Technology Demo

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 AMD pubblica la technology demo Hangar 21: finalmente RDNA 2 č in azione
Come promesso, AMD ha pubblicato oggi il video dimostrativo della technology demo Hangar 21 finalizzata a presentare al grande pubblico le potenzialitą dell'architettura grafica gaming-oriented RDNA 2. Questa soluzione tecnologica non č soltanto alla base delle video card della linea Radeon RX 6000 ma č utilizzata anche dalle console PlayStation...
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 Gaming with 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI, Glide/OpenGL videogames, and tech demos
This video brings out several game scenes recorded using a gaming system based on multi-card and multi-monitor setup. More in detail, we've used two Creative 3D Blaster Voodoo2 12MB graphics accelerators, connected by the 3dfx technology named SLI, and two LCD monitors to manage respectively outputs of SLI graphics subsystem and primary...
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 A lot of official 3dfx technology demos added to the 3dfxzone.it repository
Among the downloads related to 3dfx products, we have just updated the category related to the technology demos, a genre of applications very used by the 3dfx developers. Valley of Ra Demo More in detail, we have added a lot of official tech demos officially released by 3dfx for its graphics cards, including those based on the Arcade Tool...
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 Scarica la Technology Demo Apollo 11 Lunar Landing di NVIDIA
NVIDIA ha realizzato una demo tecnologica ispirata alla discesa sul suolo lunare dell'astronauta Buzz Aldrin nell'ambito della missione Apollo 11. Come č noto, le storiche fotografie ufficiali sono state oggetto di confronto e polemiche in quanto da alcuni etichettate come false per ragioni legate sostanzialmente alle luci e alle ombre in esse contenute...
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