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Contenuti associati al tag: 1080p

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 AMD fa tuning sulla Radeon RX 7600 e introduce la Radeon RX 7600 XT 16GB
AMD ha annunciato la video card di fascia media denominata Radeon RX 7600 XT 16GB, una soluzione progettata per offire la migliore giocabilità possibile con i video game di livello AAA configurati con una risoluzione video pari a 1080p. Ma non solo: in accordo ad AMD, la Radeon RX 7600 XT consente anche di giocare bene selezionando una risoluzione...
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 YouTube Gameplay: Quake 4 | 1080p | 8x anti-aliasing & 16x aniso | id Tech 4
Welcome to watch our fourth gameplay footage from Quake 4, well-known military first-person shooter videogame developed by Raven Software in collaboration with id Software. Quake 4 has been published by Activision on October 2005 for Windows-based PCs, and later for Linux and OS X platforms, and at last for Microsoft gaming console Xbox 360. Based...
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 YouTube Gameplay Footage: DOOM 3 | 1080p | 8x AA & 16x Aniso
This's our first gameplay footage taken from Doom 3, a horror first-person shooter videogame developed by id Software and published by Activision for Microsoft Windows in 2004 and for Linux in 2005. Furthermore, Doom 3 has been ported to Mac OS X and Xbox in 2005 respectively by Aspyr Media and Vicarious Visions. This footage has...
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 YouTube Gameplay Footage: Serious Sam 3: BFE | 1080p | 8x AA & 16x Aniso
Here is our third gameplay footage focused on Serious Sam 3: BFE, a first-person shooter developed by Croteam and published by Devolver Digital for a wide range of gaming platforms including Microsoft Windows in 2011, Mac OS X and Linux in 2012, PlayStation 3 in 2014, and Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in 2020. According to...
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 Blizzard annuncia i requisiti di sistema di Diablo IV in edizione per PC
Blizzard ha ufficializzato i requisiti richiesti ai PC per poter eseguire il titolo Diablo IV in base a quattro differenti impostazioni grafiche. Più in dettaglio, Blizzard ha considerato i seguenti scenari d'uso: Risoluzione 1080p, impostazioni grafiche di livello basso, 30fps Risoluzione 1080p, impostazioni grafiche di livello medio,...
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