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Contenuti associati al tag: tegra 3

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 SFFT Driver Alpha 32 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer Windows 2000/XP SFFT driver release is available now: it comes of course with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards).What's new?This release fixes a problem introduced in the Alpha 30 (Voodoo3/4/5)SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer utility and 3dfx Tools you would respectively...
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 TwinMOS launches Sushi MP3 Player
27 June, 2005, Taipei - TwinMOS Technologies announces this summer the latest "Sushi" MMD101 MP3 Player. As the smallest of its kind, the MMD101 is only 25g in weight and 53 x 28 x 20 mm in dimensions. Looking like a piece of "nigiri", it is light-weight, handy and...
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