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Contenuti associati al tag: ms-dos

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 Quake, QuakeWorld, FitzQuake, and Quake 2 on MS-DOS with 3dfx video cards
There's an interesting new thread on the enboard related to some MS-DOS games, like Quake, QuakeWorld, FitzQuake, and Quake 2, that can run - using 3dfx video cards - with more than enough values of the frame rate as well as a considerable image quality. Quake 2 with Voodoo5 5500 on MS-DOS The configuration of the 3dfx cards working on...
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 nVIDIA Bios Utility - NvFlash Tool 5.06 - MS-DOS
Rinnovata versione di NvFlash, efficiente utility (256kb) dedicata all'aggiornamento (flash) e/o alla creazione di una copia (backup) del bios delle schede video dotate di processore grafico nVIDIA: richiede l'avvio del sistema in ambiente MS-DOS. Collegamenti Download NvFlash Tool 5.06 Commenta questa news ...
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