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Contenuti associati al tag: collaborate

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 AMD And Sun Collaborate To Build Japan's Largest Supercomputer
SEATTLE, Wash. - November 15, 2005 - At Supercomputing 2005, AMD (NYSE: AMD) and Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW) today announced that the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), one of the world's leading technical institutes, is creating Japan's largest supercomputer on a foundation of Sun. The system is based on Sun Fire™ x64 (x86,...
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 Nokia and Intel Collaborate on WiMAX Broadband Wireless Technology
ESPOO, Finland and SANTA CLARA, California- Nokia and Intel Corporation today announced a cooperation to accelerate the development, adoption and deployment of WiMAX technology, helping to bring new capabilities and data services to mobile users over high-speed broadband networks. The companies will collaborate on several areas in support of mobile...
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