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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Retail Patch 1.1

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17.11.2007 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Retail Patch 1.1

It's on line new patch version 1.1 of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, latest first-person shooter related to Call of Duty 4 series, developed by Treyarch and published by Activision.

This patch addresses the issue of Rank / Stat resets reported by users moving from a Modded / Un-ranked server to a non Modded / Ranked Server. This update is not intended to revert back to any previously lost rank, but to prevent the issue from happening in the future.

[High Resolutio Image]

E' disponibile la patch v. 1.1 per la versione retail del game first-person shooter Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, ultimo episodio in ordine di tempo della saga di Call of Duty 4, sviluppato da Treyarch e pubblicato da Activision.

L'aggiornamento corregge un problema che determinata la perdita del rank e delle statistiche nel passaggio da un server "Modded / Un-ranked" ad uno "non Modded / Ranked". La patch non consente, tuttavia, il recupero dei rank già persi.


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