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3dfx Hardware Setup & Tweaking: SFFT Voodoo Tools

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14.03.2012 - 3dfx Hardware Setup & Tweaking: SFFT Voodoo Tools

SFFT Voodoo Tools is the new control panel of the SFFT drivers for 3dfx Voodoo video cards. SFFT Voodoo Tools runs automatically by Windows startup and is available in two packages for both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware and software configurations.

SFFT Voodoo Tools has new graphical user interface and allows to manage a wide range of SFFT driver settings for both Direct3D and OpenGL/GLide environments.

[High Resolution Image]

For example by SFFT Voodoo Tools you can choose the sample's number of anti-aliasing filter and the 3D Filter Quality, or enable Triple Buffering and MipMap Dithering.

In general, SFFT Voodoo Tools simplifies the customization of 3dfx-based hardware configuration and so you can optimize the Voodoo's performances for your preferred games.


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