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Hardware Information & Benchmark: PC Wizard 2008.1.871

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01.12.2008 - Hardware Information & Benchmark: PC Wizard 2008.1.871
PC Wizard (2.59Mb) è un software molto versatile che raccoglie in se numerose funzionalità sia di analisi dettagliata delle componenti hardware del sistema sia di benchmark di quelle più importanti includendo test dedicati per cpu, cpu cache, ram, hard drive, lettore cd e dvd. Supporta i Sistemi Operativi Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista (32 bit) e Windows XPx64/2003x64/Vista (64 bit). PC Wizard 2008 1.87 has been released! New features include: support for Intel T5850/5750, Intel Atom 330 and Intel T5550 processors, support for Gigabyte EP45-UD3R motherboard, JMicron and Cypress USB/ATA controller support, preliminary support for Intel Q43/Q45 and G41 chipsets, Microsoft Windows 7 detection, bugfixes, etc.


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