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Leadtek, secca smentita dei rumor sul taglio del personale

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15.11.2008 - Leadtek, secca smentita dei rumor sul taglio del personale

Attraverso il seguente comunicato stampa la taiwanense Leadtek ha smentito con fermezza le voci, diffusesi nelle ultime ore nel Web, in accordo alle quali l'azienda era sul punto di tagliare dal suo organico ben 450 dipendenti a causa del decadimento del rapporto di partnership con la californiana NVIDIA.

Per chiarire che "i rumor di cui sopra sono infondati", Leadtek fa sapere che "le condizioni di salute della organizzazione, che al momento conta 378 lavoratori, sono ottime e che non sono in alcun modo pianificati riorganizzazioni o ridimensionamenti del personale".

With its strong and health operation, Leadtek does not fire 450 employees as rumor said. The partnership of Leadtek and NVIDIA remains solid, as Leadtek is still the exclusive partner of NVIDIA Quadro series in Asia-Pacific (except in Japan).

Taipei, Taiwan, November 14th, 2008 –

To clarify the false internet rumor, "…Leadtek, recently fired 450 people from its operation…Leadtek was not in NVIDIA's top six list and this might be the partial reason….", we have to state some facts here :

1. With 378 employees at the moment, Leadtek is in a good and strong condition, no future down-sizing plan ongoing.

2. Leadtek NVIDIA Quadro series is No.1 in Asia-Pacific, and NVIDIA has stated that Leadtek is still its direct account and the exclusive distributors of NVIDIA Quadro series in Asia-Pacific region (except in Japan).

The rumor of firing 450 people and the loosing partnership with NVIDIA is apparently false and exaggerating. To learn about the correct coming news and products, please go to http://www.leadtek.com

News Source: Leadtek Press Release

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