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17.06.2008 - BFG GeForce GTX 280 H2OC 1GB, la più veloce delle 280 GTX |
Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, BFG Technologies ha annunciato la scheda grafica BFG NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 H2OC 1GB che, in accordo a BFG, è la video card che può vantare il più elevato overclock tra i prodotti overcloccati dallo stesso costruttore. Il core della gpu lavora a 680MHz (contro i 602MHz standard o reference) mentre le frequenze di clock delle unità shader e della RAM (1Gb di G-DDR3) sono pari rispettivamente a 1458MHz (contro i 1296MHz standard) e 2450MHz (contro i 2214MHz standard). Un simile risultato è stato raggiunto in virtù dell'adozione di un sistema di cooling a liquido, sviluppato in accordo alla tecnologia proprietaria ThermoIntelligence, che, pur essendo di tipo a slot singolo, è in grado di ridurre notevolmente la temperatura di esercizio del scheda ("fino a 52° in meno rispetto a quella di una soluzione reference",dichiara il produttore). [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] Lake Forest, IL – (June 16, 2008) – BFG Technologies, Inc., the leading North American and European supplier of advanced NVIDIA-based 3D graphics cards, power supplies, and other PC enthusiast products, announced today the BFG NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 H2OC; 1GB graphics card, which is the fastest factory overclocked board available. The BFG GeForce GTX 280 H2OC 1GB graphics card with ThermoIntelligence water cooling solution offers exceptional thermal performance in a single slot design. Co-developed by BFG and Danger Den, the ThermoIntelligence custom copper water block is totally silent and allows the GTX 280 GPU to be factory overclocked to the highest stable level—delivering up to a 52°C lower GPU operating temperature than reference cooling solutions. "BFG has a long and successful track record of providing high quality water cooled solutions for enthusiast level graphics cards", said John Malley, senior director of marketing for BFG Technologies. "Leveraging Danger Den’s proficiency in block design and manufacturing with BFG’s award-winning overclocking expertise, we’ve put together a GTX 280 solution that provides incredible performance in a silent, single-slot solution." The pre-attached ThermoIntelligence copper water block replaces the standard double slot GTX 280 cooling solution for those who currently own or are purchasing a PC water cooling system. Micro fittings are also included to support 2-way or 3-way NVIDIA SLI configurations. BFG GeForce GTX 280 H2OC 1GB with ThermoIntelligence
BFG ThermoIntelligence Water Block Features and Benefits
News Source: BFG Press Release Links |
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