Arriverà nel mercato europeo entro la fine del mese corrente il nuovo masterizzatore Blu-ray di Lite-On siglato DH-4B1S, successore del burner LH-2B1S e capace di offire all'utente una velocità di scrittura pari a 4x con i dischi Blu-ray BD-R contro i 2x del suo peraltro molto apprezzato predecessore.
In contrapposione all'approccio di alcuni produttori, che hanno costruito i propri burner a 6x considerando come velocità di riferimento la Constant Angular Velocity (CAV), che impone un ritmo di scrittura differente in base al posizionamento della lente rispetto al disco (tali dispositivi scrivono a 6x soltanto alla fine del disco, ndr), Lite-On ha dimensionato per il suo DH-4B1S la scrittura in Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) al fine di rendere costantemente pari a 4x il transfer rate.
Tra le altre feature della device, che è naturalmente retrocompatibile con i supporti DVD e CD, segnaliamo la velocità di scrittura di 2x con i BD-RE e la velocità di lettura di 4x con i BD-ROM.

Eindhoven, The Netherlands – Lite-On announces today that it will launch a new 4X Blu-ray Disc Writer in Europe. The DH-4B1S is the successor of the widely appreciated LH-2B1S, one of the first Blu-ray drives on the market.
The DH-4B1S can write BD-R media at 4X, a 50% speed increase and time saving compared to its predecessor. The DH-4B1S uses a Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) writing strategy for writing BD-R media, which means that the data transfer rate is constant at 4X (18 MB per second) during the whole writing session. Another common writing strategy, used by some 6X BD writers on the market, is Constant Angular Velocity (CAV). This writing strategy starts at a lower speed and gradually speeds up to a maximum of 6X only at the end of the writing session.
Many users don’t use the full capacity of a disc when they make a back-up. “If you use only 75-80% of the disc capacity, a 4X CLV writing strategy will be a quicker solution then a 6X CAV strategy,” says Marketing Manager Jelmer Veldman. “We see a growing market acceptance for Blu-ray as the format of choice for High Definition content playback and for high volume archiving. With this 4X BD writer Lite-On delivers a faster solution for backing-up data on Blu-ray Discs.”
PBD-RE media can be written at 2X and the DH-4B1S reads BD-ROM discs at 4X. Furthermore, the drive can burn DVD±R at 12 and DVD±R DL at 8X.The maximum speed for writing DVD+RW is 8X, DVD-RW at 6X, CD-R (reading and writing) at 40X and CD-RW at 24X.
The DH-4B1S will be available across Europe at the end of May and complements the Lite-On Blu-ray product portfolio, which also consists of an internal and an external BD-ROM drive.
News Source: Lite-on Press Release Links