Latest first-person shooter Painkiller: Overdose - you can download its free demo ~ 733Mb here - runs on 3dfx hardware: in fact 3dfxUndercover, member of english board, posted some Painkiller: Overdose screenshots.

[High Resolution Image]
3dfxUndercover got these results using a 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 64Mb video card and SFFT Alpha 48 3dfx driver on Celeron at 3GHz pc with 1792Mb of RAM and
Microsoft Windows XP.

[High Resolution Image] Game was very playable with low graphics settings at 800 x 600 video resolution. Increasing video quality Painkiller: Overdose was "FULLY PLAYABLE AT 640x480", 3dfxUndercover writes. At 1024 x 768 with High Quality video settings frame rate was too low but game looks very impressive, as you can see.

[High Resolution Image]