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Sierra: Empire Earth III in commercio a Novembre

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27.09.2007 - Sierra: Empire Earth III in commercio a Novembre

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Sierra Entertainment ha reso noto che il terzo e atteso episodio della serie Empire Earth ovvero Empire Earth III in versione per personal compuer verrą commercializzato nel prossimo mese di Novembre. Pur non specificando una precisa data per il lancio del game, Sierra tiene dunque alta l'attenzione su questo titolo che vuole divenire "uno dei pił coinvolgenti giochi per PC di sempre".

Los Angeles, CA - September 25, 2007 - Sierra Entertainment announced today that the third iteration of the popular multi-million unit selling Empire Earth series will be shipping this November to PC.

The pre-order campaign kicks-off at select retailers nationwide this week and features three exclusive unlockable units.

  • Machine Mortar (Far East Region, Future Epoch) - A genetically engineered soldier that launches a devastating, area-affect salvo of shells.
  • Persian Mercenary (Middle East Region, Ancient Epoch) - An ambidextrous warrior armed with a pair of lethal blades.
  • Urban Special Forces (West Region, Modern Epoch) - A highly disciplined, well-armed Urban Special Operations soldier.

"Empire Earth is an award-winning real-time strategy franchise where players can grasp the entire globe within the reach of a mouse," said Al Simone, senior vice president, Global Marketing for Sierra Entertainment. "Empire Earth III will be one of the most expansive strategy games for the PC."

News Source: Sierra Entertainment Press Release

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