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27.04.2007 - Sony presenta la PlayStation Eye Camera USB 2.0 per PS3 |
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) ha presentato al grande pubblico di PS3 la telecamera siglata PLAYSTATION Eye (cfr. immagine seguente), il cui arrivo sul mercato è stato pianificato nella prossima estate dal gigante nipponico dell'elettronica di consumo. [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] La nuova PLAYSTATION Eye, collegabile alla console mediante una interfaccia USB 2.0, è ritenuta dal produttore un accessorio indispensabile per supportare pienamente le funzionalità di trasferimento di video e audio, messaging e on line gaming offerte dalla PlayStation Network. La camera di PLAYSTATION Eye garantisce un frame rate di 120fps alla risoluzione di 320x240 pixel e di 60fps a 640x480; PLAYSTATION Eye include inoltre 4 microfoni e soluzioni dedicate per la riduzione dell'echo e del rumore di sottofondo. Con EyeCreate, il software di editing a corredo dell'hardware, gli utenti possono salvare immagini (foto) e frammenti di audio e video sul disco rigido della PS3. FOSTER CITY, Calif., April 26, 2007 – Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced the arrival of the next-generation PLAYSTATION®Eye camera. Scheduled for a Summer release, PLAYSTATION Eye is an essential accessory for voice, video chat and online gaming that will enable gamers to enjoy their PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) Computer Entertainment System experiences like never before. Designed specifically for PS3 and featuring huge advances in USB camera and microphone technology, PLAYSTATION Eye is set to revolutionize the experience of both interactive gaming and online communication on the PLAYSTATION®Network. Expanding on the market-leading heritage of EyeToy® USB camera for PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the sophistication of PLAYSTATION Eye naturally complements the advanced features and capabilities of PS3 – all in one intelligently designed, unobtrusive unit. Designed specifically to work with the next generation of social gaming titles and new services being developed for PS3, key features of the PLAYSTATION Eye include:
“With the release of PLAYSTATION Eye we will be able to dramatically enhance the consumer’s PS3 experience,” said Richard Marks, research and development at Sony Computer Entertainment America. “Beyond audio/video chat and the ability to save videos to your PS3 hard drive, PLAYSTATION Eye opens up a whole new world of entertainment options and adds a new dimensions to games across multiple genres.” EyeCreate software The free EyeCreate editing software, allows you to save photos, video and audio clips
to your PS3 hard disk drive and apply eye-catching visual effects to your images. Different New microphone functions An all-new four microphone array, incorporating multidirectional voice location tracking, enhanced echo cancelling and background noise suppression allows for clear audio chat in even the most noisy of environments, without the need to hold or wear a headset. Next-generation camera features A frame rate of up to 120 frames per second allows for super-smooth video and sophisticated low-light operation means that the room doesn’t have to be brightly lit for the camera to deliver crisp, perfectly exposed video. The adjustable zoom lens features a 56º field of view to capture head and shoulders action for close-in audio-visual chat, and a 75º field of view to capture the whole body for a fully physical gaming experience. Technical Specifications:
News Source: Sony Computer Entertainment America Press Release Links |
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