AMD ha annunciato, con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, la fusione con ATI: le due aziende hanno così realizzato una workforce che può contare su circa 14.900 lavoratori e vantare un enorme potenziale tecnologico che trae la sua origine dalla posizione di primo piano occupata da AMD nel settore dei processori e da ATI in quello dei chip grafici. La sede principale della nuova realtà sarà localizzata a Sunnyvale, in California (USA). Il Desktop e Mobile Computing, come pure il Consumer Digital Media, sono i settori del mercato che risentiranno maggiormente della nascita di questa joint venture.

October 25, 2006, AMD and ATI joined forces in a transaction that combines AMD’s technology leadership in microprocessors with ATI’s strengths in graphics, chipsets and consumer electronics. The result is a processing powerhouse: a new competitor, better equipped to drive growth, innovation and choice for its customers in commercial and mobile computing segments and in rapidly-growing consumer electronics segments.
Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California with centers of excellence around the world, the new company has a combined workforce of approximately 14,900 employees. This transaction breaks new ground for both companies and is expected to provide increased customer benefits in four key technology areas:
Commercial Clients
As a combined company, AMD and ATI will develop commercial platforms that deliver simplicity, stability, and manageability in graphics-rich and mobile environments. |
Mobile Computing
As a combined company, AMD and ATI will advance mobile computing by delivering integrated platforms that are designed to extend battery life while optimizing graphics and media processing. |
Consumer Digital Media
As a combined company, AMD and ATI will empower users to create and experience rich, immersive digital entertainment across multiple consumer devices, including PCs, handhelds, and digital televisions. |
High-Growth Markets
As a combined company, AMD and ATI will deliver highly-integrated, low-cost, power-efficient solutions to meet the expanding demands of billions of new users in emerging markets. |
News Source: AMD Press Release Links