La divisione di Toshiba focalizzata sui prodotti per lo storage dei dati ha annunciato la nuova linea di hard disk drive MC Series che include soluzioni per ambito enterprise caratterizzate da una capacità di memorizzazione notevolmente levata.
La gamma MC Series, progettata per i server dedicati al cloud e per le piattaforme di storage utilizzate in ambito aziendale più in generale, è composta attualmente da quattro varianti, che si distinguono in base alla capacità di memorizzazione, pari a 2TB (model number: MC04ACA200E), 3TB (model number: MC04ACA300E), 4TB (model number: MC04ACA400E) e 5TB (model number: MC04ACA500E) rispettivamente.
I dischi della serie MC Series sono inoltre caratterizzati da un form factor pari a 3.5-inch, da una velocità di rotazione pari a 7200RPM, da una interfaccia di tipo SATA 6Gb/s, o SATA III, e dalla dotazione di un buffer da 128MB. Dal punto di vista architetturale, i drive MC sono realizzati con platter ad elevata densità, ciascuno dei quali ha una capacità pari a 1TB.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

The Storage Products Business Unit of Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., a committed technology leader, announces the MC Series, Toshiba's first enterprise high-capacity hard disk drive (HDD) designed for bulk storage systems and servers supporting cloud-based applications and scale-out workloads. With a 3.5-inch form factor, the MC Series delivers up to 5TB of storage with 7,200 rotations per minute (RPM) performance, making the MC Series suitable for workloads and storage requirements generated by cloud computing.
The MC Series is available in 2TB, 3TB, 4TB, and 5TB capacities and supports the industry-standard cloud use-case workloads rating of up to 180TB per year - more than three times the industry-standard workload rating of desktop class HDDs. The MC Series supports 1TB per platter areal density, thus saving rack space and reducing the footprint and operational burden of cloud workload servers and storage systems. With up to 5TB storage capacity per host connection, the newest Toshiba HDD series boosts capacity per SATA port and enables fewer disks to handle the same storage capacity, reducing power and cooling costs on a per TB basis when compared to prior generation models with lower capacity per spindle. The new series also boasts 6 Gbit/s SATA interface speeds and Advanced Format sector technology, allowing compatibility with legacy applications and operating environments using aligned writes.
"Our customers need efficient, high-capacity storage for their cloud-based servers and storage platforms," said Don Jeanette, senior director of marketing at Toshiba Storage Products Business Unit. "With capacity points up to 5TB and 7,200 RPM performance, the Toshiba MC Series delivers the capabilities that today's scale-out cloud architecture and use-cases require."
News Source: Toshiba America Electronic Components Press Release Links