Anche Leadtek, storico produttore di video card NVIDIA-based, ha annunciato di recente le sue implementazioni delle prime soluzioni basate sull'architettura di nuova generazione Maxwell, ovvero la GeForce GTX 750 Ti e la GeForce GTX 750.
Entrambe le nuove schede grafiche di Leadtek sono in grado di esibire, rispetto ai prodotti della generazione precedente collocati nello stesso segmento commerciale, prestazioni superiori a fronte di un consumo di potenza ridotto.
La GeForce GTX 750 Ti è dotata di un frame buffer implementato con 2GB di RAM G-DDR5 e caratterizzato da una velocità effettiva pari a 5400MHz, mentre la GeForce GTX 750 è equipaggiata con un 1GB di RAM G-DDR5 (@ 5000MHz). In entrambi i casi il bus che collega la gpu alla memoria on board è a 128-bit.
Il core grafico di entrambe le gpu lavora di default a 1020MHz. Tuttavia la sua frequenza di clock si innalza automaticamente fino a 1085MHz in virtù del supporto della tecnologia Boost 2.0.
CUDA, GeForce Experience, PhysX, FXAA, TXAA, Microsoft DirectX 11.2 e PCI-Express 3.0 sono alcune delle tecnologie supportate dalle nuove card di Leadtek.
Leadtek GeForce GTX 750 Ti

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Leadtek GeForce GTX 750

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Leadtek simultaneously launches GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750, two brand-new GeForce series graphics cards. They are equipped with the first generation NVIDIA Maxwell GPU architecture, and their main appeal is low power consumption. Their capabilities have also been improved, compared to products of the same grade in the previous generation.
GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750 are equipped with 2 GB GDDR5 and 1 GB GDDR5, respectively. Their memory bandwidth is 128-bit. GTX 750 Ti is embedded with 640 CUDA cores and its base clock is 1020 MHz, allowing it to support Boost 2.0 technology to 1085 MHz. Leadtek will soon launch the single-fan overclocking and dual-fan Hurricane overclocking graphics cards made in-house, offering better performance and superb cooling effects, and giving more choices to professional gamers.
Maxwell GPU architecture can greatly improve the gaming experience, and its capability is twice that of graphic cards of the previous generation with only half the power used. Its price is also very user-friendly. Serious gamers can receive the strong display capability they need and cruise through the most popular games at the highest settings, backed-up by exquisite 1080p high resolution.
GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750 support technology such as CUDA parallel computing, GeForce Experience, PhysX physics computing, FXAA, and TXAA. They not only fully support Microsoft DirectX 11.2 and PCI-E3.0 but also allow gamers to experience exquisite graphics in 3D games with high resolution image processing. In terms of performance, low energy use, and reasonable prices, these graphics cards are the best choice for mid-level gamers. For more product information, please go to: http://www.leadtek.com/eng/product/3d_graphic/1/119/79/index.aspx.
News Source: Leadtek Press Release Links