ASUS ha annunciato ufficialmente la video card high-end GeForce GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II, una soluzione non reference basata sulla recente gpu GeForce GTX 780 Ti di NVIDIA che il maker asiatico ha configurato di default in regime di overclocking.
In accordo al comunicato stampa di ASUS, infatti, il core grafico della gpu della GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II lavora con una frequenza di boost che può raggiungere il valore massimo di 1020MHz, mentre
il frame buffer, realizzato con 3GB di RAM G-DDR5, può vantare una velocità effettiva equivalente a 7GHz.
La stabilità operativa della GeForce GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II viene garantita, anche a seguito di overclocking eseguito dall'utente mediante l'utility GPU Tweak, da un VRM a 10 fasi realizzato in
accordo alla tecnologia proprietaria DIGI+ che, in accordo ad ASUS, esibisce una efficienza superiore rispetto a quella del VRM reference (+ 15%), pur minimizzando la componente di rumore, o
ripple, del 30%.
La stabilità dell'hardware è anche assicurata dal cooler che è basato sulla tecnologia proprietaria DirectCU II, grazie alla quale l'energia termica prodotta dalla gpu viene assorbita velocemente
da un set di heat pipe in rame posizionate a diretto contatto con il chip grafico e aventi un diametro di 1cm. ASUS afferma che questo sistema di raffreddamento è più efficiente di quello reference (fino al 30%), pur essendo fino a 2.5 volte più silenzioso.
Il kit di connettori di uscita della ASUS GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II è composto da una porta DispayPort, una HDMI e due DVI. Le spedizioni della card in tutto il mondo avranno inizio a metà dicembre.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

ASUS today announced GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II, a graphics card powered by the new GeForce GTX 780 Ti graphics-processing unit (GPU) and fitted with exclusive DirectCU II technology for cooler,
quieter and faster performance.
The GeForce GTX 780 Ti GPU is powered by 25% more CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) cores and benefits from a boosted clock speed of 1020MHz — both significant increases on its
predecessor that enable ASUS GTX 780 Ti to deliver astonishing gaming performance.
With exclusive ASUS DirectCU II technology on board, GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II runs up to 30% cooler, three times (3X) quieter and 6% faster than reference cards when playing BattleField 4.
Exclusive DirectCU II thermal and CoolTech fan technology delivers faster and quieter gaming
Only ASUS is able to offer the GTX 780 Ti GPU on a graphics card with DirectCU II — because DirectCU II is exclusive to ASUS. This innovative thermal technology puts highly-conductive 10mm copper
cooling pipes in direct contact with a card’s GPU so heat is dissipated quickly and with extreme efficiency.
To further boost cooling, GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II includes a heat-sink that’s 220% larger than reference along with a proprietary CoolTech fan — this consists of a hybrid blade and bearing design,
with inner radial blower and outer flower-type blades that provide multi-directional airflow to accelerate heat removal and enable highly stable graphics performance.
All these exclusive ASUS innovations combine to allow GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II to run up to 30% cooler and three times (3X) quieter than reference cards – and that means faster, more stable
blockbuster (AAA) games-playing with very low noise.
Ultra-smooth power supply for ultra-stable performance
Another exclusive ASUS technology built in to GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II is DIGI+ voltage-regulation module (VRM) — a 10-phase power design that reduces power noise by 30% and enhances energy
efficiency by 15%, compared to reference designs. DIGI+ VRM also widens voltage-modulation tolerance and improves overall stability and longevity — by two-and-a-half times (2.5X) above reference.
ASUS designed DIGI+ VRM with components of exceptional quality. DIGI+ VRM is built with extremely heard-wearing polymerized organic-semiconductor capacitors (POSCAPs) and while GTX 780 Ti DirectCU
II has an aluminum backplate, further lowering power noise, increasing durability, enhancing overclocking possibilities and improving stability.
GPU Tweak utility offers exclusive overclocking opportunities — easily and safely
GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II includes the GPU Tweak utility that’s exclusive to ASUS graphics cards. This easy-to-use tool hands users a variety of unique controls that enable them to squeeze the very
best performance from the GTX 780 Ti GPU. These include the ability to control finely GPU speeds, voltages and video-memory clock speeds in real time — so overclocking is both easy and can be
carried out with high confidence.
As well, the GPU Tweak Streaming tool lets users share on-screen action over the internet in real time — so others can watch live as games are played. It’s even possible to add a title to the
streaming window along with scrolling text, pictures and webcam images.
ASUS GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II will start shipping worldwide from the middle of December 2013.
News Source: ASUS Press Release Links