MSI ha annunciato la motherboard Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt, una soluzione basata sul chipset Z77 Express di Intel, finalizzata all'assemblaggio dei sistemi che includono un processore Intel, di classe Core, Pentium e Celeron, per socket LGA-1155.
Come si può evincere dalla denominazione del prodotto, si tratta di una soluzione di fascia alta che supporta la tecnologia di trasferimento dati ad alta velocità Thunderbolt, in virtù della dotazione di un controller dedicato fabbricato dalla stessa Intel. Il prodottore della Z77A-G45 esalta il data rate massimo della tecnologia Thunderbolt, pari a 10Gbps, che permette quindi trasferimenti di grandi volumi di file, finalizzati ad esempio al backup dei dati, in tempi estremamente ridotti.
Tra le feature della Z77A-G45, che può ospitare quattro DIMM di DDR3 operanti fino a 2800MHz e include anche tre slot PCI Express 3.0 x16 e quattro PCI-Express 1.0 x1,due connettori SATA III con supporto RAID, e un totale di quattro porte USB 3.0, citiamo la compatibilità con le tecnologie multi-gpu NVIDIA 2-Way SLI e AMD CrossFire 3-Way, l'equipaggiamento con componenti discreti "Military Class III" e una buona propoensione per l'overclocking in virtù della tecnologia proprietaria "OC Genie II".

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

MSI, the Thunderbolt mainboard pioneer, is pleased to announce the availability of the new MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt. The Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt is a unique aproach to a Thunderbolt equipped mainboard by breaking the current limits of Thunderbolt, the price.
Breaking the mold, the MSI Z77A-G45 is a full-featured Z77 mainboard with Thunderbolt at a new pricepoint that makes Thunderbolt accessible for everyone looking to upgrade to the Z77 platform. Of course, the renowned Military Class III components are again available to deliver the highest quality and most stable components. OC Genie II boosts your overall CPU, Memory, Disk and Graphics performance and thank to its power saving hardware features such as Active Phase Switching (APS), the MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt can combine its performance with best in class power saving.
Thunderbolt Technology: The Fastest Connection available
MSI equipped the Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt with the groundbreaking Thunderbolt technology. Thunderbolt is the fastest data connection available for your PC, running at 10 Gbps. It technology delivers two communications methods, or protocols, on a single cable: PCI Express for data transfer and DisplayPort for displays. MSI has integrated the Thunderbolt controller on the mainboard, ensuring that Thunderbolt is a hassle-free solution that not requires additional cards, cables and configuration issues because external Thunderbolt controllers steal bandwidth from other devices. Thunderbolt is an easy technology and should not add to your PC complexity!
Fastest Data transfers
Data transfers for backup, sharing, and editing are faster with Thunderbolt technology, significantly reducing times to complete these tasks. Running at 10 Gbps, Thunderbolt technology on the MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt can transfer a full-length HD video in less than 30 seconds and backup 1 year (!!!) of continuous audio playback in just over 10 minutes.
Cable management without clutter
Thunderbolt technology delivers great responsiveness with data and display transfers - in each direction, at the same time - using a single cable to connect devices. It's no longer needed to connect multiple devices directly to your PC. Using multiple connection in a daisy chain, the amount of cables directly attached to your PC will be reduced while maintaining maximum throughput.
Military Class III components
The MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt is equiped with Military Class III components. These components have all passed strict MIL-STD-810G regulations and provide the best stability under extreme circumstances. MSI Military Class components can be found on MSI Mainboards, Graphics Cards and All-in-One PCs.
Smoothest system experience with OC Genie II
MSI OC Genie II is world's easiest overclocking technique and allows a complete performance overhaul with a simple push of a button. My OC Genie is a new feature that allows end-users to customize their OC Genie II experience through MSI's unique ClickBIOS II interface.
News Source: MSI Press Release Links