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How get one 3dfx Voodoo2 working at 1024x672 with Windows 9x/ME

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08.10.2015 - How get one 3dfx Voodoo2 working at 1024x672 with Windows 9x/ME

A time, at 1998, a lot of videocard manufacturers introduced on the market graphics accelerators based on the Voodoo2 chip-set from 3dfx.

Among those, there was Metabyte. It was very near to 3dfx and drawed attention to oneself by its Voodoo2 product, named Wicked 3D Voodoo2.

Of course, it was in compliance with 3dfx reference design but was a cut above due its drivers, highly customized by Metabyte. Those allowed users to get Re2Flex, Stereoscopic technologies and overclock support as well as to run games at 1024x672 with a single Voodoo2.

Today we give all Voodoo2 enthusiasts the opportunity to download a old Wicked 3D beta driver release that enables every Voodoo2 card to work at 1024x672 with GLide, Direct3D and OpenGL (old) games.

This driver is for Microsoft Windows 95/ME and 98 OSes and it doesn't operate on MS NT environments.

Good luck, 3dfx users.


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