Il publisher Rockstar Games ha annunciato la prossima disponibilità della versione per PC del suo game L.A. Noire, attualmente presente sul mercato unicamente per le console HD Microsoft Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3.
La PC Edition di L.A. Noire sarà sviluppata da Rockstar Leeds: la software house ha promesso un lavoro di porting molto accurato, che consenta di eseguire il titolo su un ampia gamma di PC. Inoltre, sono annunciate delle ottimizzazioni delle prestazioni e il miglioramento della qualità grafica.
Immancabile sarà naturalmente il supporto per la visualizzazione stereoscopica del titolo, un triller criminale ambientato nella Los Angeles del 1940. Il suo arrivo è pianificato per il prossimo "autunno".

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

PC gaming aficionados, we hear you. And today, we are very happy to announce that L.A. Noire will be arriving on the PC platform this fall.
Developed by Rockstar Leeds and built to run on a wide range of PCs, L.A. Noire's robust feature customization includes keyboard remapping and gamepad functionality to both optimize and customize performance and user experience. Along with increased fidelity and improved graphical enhancements, the PC version will also feature 3D support for an even greater sense of interaction and immersion within a painstakingly detailed 1940s Los Angeles.
Originally developed by Team Bondi in conjunction with Rockstar Games, L.A. Noire is a crime thriller set in post World War II Los Angeles. As Detective Cole Phelps, players must search for clues, interrogate suspects and chase down criminals to solve a series of cases based on real world incidents. As he rises through the ranks of the LAPD, Phelps comes face-to-face with the corrupt heart of Los Angeles: from fallen starlets to double-dealing police officers and the vast reaches of the criminal underworld and finally, the darkness of his own personal demons.
For much, much more about L.A. Noire, visit www.rockstargames.com/lanoire and stay tuned for the PC version release date announcement.
News Source: Rockstar Games Press Release Links