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Samba 3.0.20rc2 Available for Download

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11.08.2005 - Samba 3.0.20rc2 Available for Download
Samba 3.0.20rc2 is the next release candidate of the 3.0.20 code base and is provided for testing purposes only. While close to the final stable release, this snapshot is not intended for production servers. If all goes well, this could become the final 3.0.20 release. We would like to ask the Samba community for help in testing these changes as we work towards the next official, production Samba 3.0 release. It is strongly recommended that you read the changes in this preview release to learn about smb.conf changes, new features, etc...

So what happened to 3.0.15 trough 3.0.19? After some discussion it was deemed that the amount of changes going into the next Samba 3.0 release needed something to catch people's attention. Skipping several releases was chosen as the best solution with the least overhead. There will be no 3.0.15 - 3.0.19 ever released. The next production release following 3.0.20 should be 3.0.21. You can also read the original announcement on the samba mailing list.

The Samba 3.0.20rc2 source code can be downloaded now. The GnuPG signature for the uncompressed tarball is also available. Precompiled packages for Fedora Core 4 are available in the Binary_Packages download area. Packages for other platforms will be available shortly.

Samba 3.0.20rc2 is also available via BitTorrent (samba-3.0.20rc2.tar.gz.torrent). Note that when downloading via BitTorrent, you are encouraged to verify the resulting uncompressed tarball's GPG signature.


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