Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha reso noto che David White, attuale Chief Financial Officer (CFO) dell'azienda californiana, ha rassegnato le proprie dimissioni. In accordo a NVIDIA, White rimarrā un suo dipendente fino al prossimo 31 maggio; alla base dell'addio vi sono non meglio precisati "motivi personali".
Il nuovo CFO ad interim č Karen Burns, una storica dirigente di NVIDIA, profonda conoscitrice dei business dell'azienda, giā vice presidente della stessa. A White sono giunti i pubblici ringraziamenti da parte di Jen-Hsun Huang, presidente e Chief Executive Officer (CEO) di NVIDIA, per il contributo finora fornito.

NVIDIA announced today that David White, chief financial officer (CFO), has resigned from the company for personal reasons. He will remain an employee through May 31, 2011.
Karen Burns, 43, who currently serves as corporate controller and vice president of tax, will serve as interim CFO. Previously, she served for 10 years as head of NVIDIA's tax department, holding a variety of titles.
"I want to thank David for his many contributions to NVIDIA," said Jen-Hsun Huang, NVIDIA president and chief executive officer. "I'm grateful for the counsel and leadership he has provided. Karen is a broadly respected veteran of NVIDIA and knows our business well. Her experience, her understanding of our business and her leadership will be a tremendous asset to us during this transition."
Prior to NVIDIA, Burns served nine years in tax and audit roles with KPMG, a global public accounting firm, in its Atlanta, London and Silicon Valley practices. She holds bachelor's and master's of accounting degrees from Florida State University.
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