Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Hightech Information System Limited (HIS) ha annunciato le video card Radeon HIS 6970 Turbo Fan 2GB GDDR5 e HIS 6950 Fan Turbo 2GB GDDR5.
La denominazione "Turbo" della soluzione con gpu AMD HD 6950 fa intuire che l'hardware è "overclocked by factory", dal momento che la gpu e la memoria RAM operano di default rispettivamente a 840MHz (il corrispondente valore reference è pari a 800MHz, ndr) e a 5120MHz.
La stessa HIS 6970 2GB GDDR5 è una implementazione con frequenze fuori standard, ove si consideri che la gpu lavora a 900MHz (vs 880Mhz reference) e la RAM a 5600MHz, anche se in questo caso l'incremento rispetto al livello standard, sebbene sia consistente, è comunque più contenuto.
La HIS 6950 Fan Turbo 2GB GDDR5 è già sul mercato, mentre la HIS 6970 Fan Turbo 2GB GDDR5 sarà disponibile a partire dal prossimo 7 febbraio.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Hightech Information System Limited launches its HIS 6970 & 6950 Fan Turbo 2GB GDDR5 graphics card. Offering the latest and greatest features like AMD Eyefinity technology,
AMD HD3D technology and DirectX 11 support, the new 6900 Turbo Series provides flawless image quality and unbelievable performance to the gamers at every advantages. The HIS 6950 Turbo has over-clocked its core clock speed to 840MHz and memory clock at 5,120MHz, delivering serious high-definition gaming frame rates.
The HIS 6970 Turbo supplies the same 2GB GDDR5 but at a maximum core clock speed of 900MHz and memory clock of 5,600MHz. The utmost speed will let you enjoy the high resolution and fast frame rates which directly translate into superior performance and ultra-high bandwidth.
Pre-overclocked graphics card with the balance of the best performance and cooling effect.
HD3D Stereoscopic Technology
HD3D technology transmits two separate images to each of your eyes at the same time at a resolution beyond 1080p. Supported with HD3D glasses,
this technological innovation comes with Stereo 3D gaming, Blu-ray 3D, 3rd Party Stereo 3D middleware software and 6900 Series GPU support.
The Three Pillars - Get immersed with AMD Eyefinity technology
- Get amazing EyeDefinition graphics with DirectX 11 technology
- Speed up applications and enjoy brilliant video with AMD EyeSpeed technology
The HIS 6950 Turbo will be available on January 28th.
The HIS 6970 Turbo will be available on February 7th.
News Source: Hightech Information System (HIS) Press Release Links