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AMD lancia le cpu Phenom II X6 1075 e X2 560 Black Edition

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21.09.2010 - AMD lancia le cpu Phenom II X6 1075 e X2 560 Black Edition

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, AMD ha annunciato due nuovi processori per desktop, il six-core Phenom II X6 1075 e il dual-core Phenom II X2 560 Black Edition.

Il Phenom II X6 1075 è una soluzione high-end che segue da vicino il flag-ship di gamma, ovvero il Phenom II X6 1090T; tra le feature del chip il produttore pone in primo piano il supporto della tecnologia Turbo CORE e il prezzo contenuto, essendo l'MSRP pari a $250.

Il processore AMD Phenom II X2 560 Black Edition è dedicato agli utenti "enthusiast" che praticano il tuning dell'hardware; si tratta di una cpu che promette un consumo di potenza ridotto.

What: AMD (NYSE:AMD) today announced new arrivals to its processor line giving more reasons than ever to upgrade to the visual experience of a new PC featuring VISION Technology from AMD. These processors join AMD’s award winning AMD 8-series chipset and ATI Radeon HD 5000 series graphics for PCs that combine stunning high definition video and 3D graphics with multi-tasking performance.

  • The AMD Phenom II X6 1075 processor slots in just below our flagship 1090T model, offering high-end features like Turbo CORE acceleration technology and six-core performance for less than $250.
  • The AMD Phenom II X2 560 Black Edition processor is an affordable alternative for enthusiasts looking for performance tuning capabilities for more performance or lower power consumption.
Why: The growth of high definition digital media content and devices continues. The versatility of VISION Technology-based PCs creates almost limitless possibilities for consumers, such as moving to the internet for video entertainment, creating lasting video and photo memories, playing the most visually intensive PC games, and improving performance for multi-tasking.

Who: Anyone looking to upgrade to a new PC combining multi-core value, versatile platform options, and high definition video & 3D graphics can see the difference in a new PC with VISION Technology from AMD.

AMD’s VISION 2010 Guide shows how to map your needs to a new PC
Check out current promotions including AMD products from CyberPower, iBuyPower, NCIX, NewEgg, and TigerDirect
More information on AMD desktop processor models, prices and comparisons is available here
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Read reasons to upgrade to a new desktop PC and more AMD blogs at http://blogs.amd.com

News Source: AMD Press Release

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