Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Just A Game, una organizzazione con sede a Berlino impegnata per la prima volta come publisher di un game per PC, denominato Deep Black, ha annunciato ufficialmente il suo prossimo titolo, indicando inoltre il periodo in cui avverrà il rilascio in tutto il mondo, coincidente con il primo trimestre del 2011.
Deep Black, che è attualmente in fase di sviluppo presso gli studi della software house russa BIART, promette di rivoluzionare il genere di appartenenza, dal momento che sarà in grado di alternare azioni sottomarine a combattimenti sulla terra, bilanciando in maniera ottimale le due esperienze di gioco.
BIART ha realizzato per l'occasione un motore grafico proprietario, particolarmente realistico e in grado di riprodurre con elevata accuratezza l'ambiente sottomarino (e in particolare l'ondulazione e la distorsione dell'acqua, e gli effetti luce); il game è inoltre pronto per la visualizzazione in 3D con il pieno supporto della tecnologia 3D Vision di NVIDIA.
Seguono alcuni screenshot ufficiali di Deep Black, di cui sono attese anche delle edition per PS3 e XBOX 360, peraltro non citate dal publisher nella press release.

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Today the start-up publisher Just A Game brings in the heavy artillery: With Deep Black, an innovative 3rd person shooter developed by the Russian studio BIART, the Berlin based publisher announces its first PC title. Deep Black will be released on PC worldwide beginning of 2011 and will set a new course in the 3rd person shooter genre. For the first time a game will offer breathtaking land and underwater action in a perfect balance. The result is a revolutionary and new gameplay.
Deep Black is driven by a thrilling story. As leader of a deep sea elite force the player will compete against ruthless bioterrorists who are planning and carrying out their activities from the ocean floor. In comprehensive missions the goal is to infiltrate hidden subaqueous bases and to battle against mighty enemies using modern high-tech equipment. At the same time Deep Black keeps an ideal balance between underwater action and terrain fights. As the mission design will attach the same level of significance to both settings, a huge variety is guaranteed.
Deep Black is affected by total freedom in action, tactical fights, special weapon modes and brilliantly designed environments. As leader of the counter terrorist unit the player will definitely never get bored. During the single player campaign he fights his way through 30 extensive levels in a science-fiction world, characterized by terror, chaos, spying and the battle for world supremacy. Different opponents cross his path: whether drones, submarines, cyborgs, giant robots or human opponents – three levels of difficulty will keep both first-time users and advanced shooter experts on their toes.
BIART´s newly developed underwater engine guarantees unique and realistic effects like undulation, water distortion and dynamic light play. Outstanding graphics and fully 3D Vision technology supported by Nvidia create a harmonious atmosphere that can also be enjoyed in stereoscopic 3D.
News Source: Just A Game Press Release Links