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OCZ annuncia moduli DDR3 da 4GB con velocità fino a 2133MHz

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14.07.2010 - OCZ annuncia moduli DDR3 da 4GB con velocità fino a 2133MHz

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, OCZ Technology Group ha annunciato l'ampliamento del proprio catalogo di moduli di memoria DDR3 con soluzioni aventi una capacità di ben 4GB (4096MB) e una frequenza di lavoro effettiva che può arrivare a ben 2133MHz.

I nuovi moduli da 4GB operano tutti a bassa tensione (1.65V) e sono compatibili con le più recenti piattaforme di AMD e Intel. OCZ Technology ha aggiunto DIMM da 4GB alle sue linee di DDR3 per overclocker Flex EX e Reaper HPC e alla serie Platinum, che è invece concepita per i gamer e gli enthusiast alle prime armi, per così dire.

I nuovi moduli sono inoltre disponibili in kit da 2x (8GB) per le configurazioni dual-channel e da 3x (12GB) per le configurazioni triple-channel.

OCZ Technology Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: OCZ), a leading provider of high-performance solid-state drives (SSDs) and memory modules for computing devices and systems, unveils new high-speed 4GB (4096MB) modules for users who demand both performance and bandwidth in one memory solution. Giving enthusiasts and prosumers access to not only high-density but also to high-frequency memory kits ensures the system RAM will never be the bottleneck during intensive multi-tasking, gaming, or home server environments.

"Usually high speed and high density don’t go hand in hand, but our newly introduced high density 2133MHz memory solutions are engineered to do exactly that," said Alex Mei, CMO at the OCZ Technology Group. "Designed for more than just raw speed, these new kits deliver an excellent blend of performance, density and reliability for a wide range of applications ranging from rendering video to smoother gameplay on the latest titles."

As large, high-definition multi-media files are becoming progressively more ubiquitous in all facets of entertainment, OCZ is addressing the steady need for increased system memory combined with maximum speeds for users looking to take their gaming or productivity to the next level. Engineered for intensive design and editing applications, these 4GB solutions will enable graphic designers, CAD engineers, and music/video professionals to benefit from increased memory resources.

From the Flex EX and Reaper HPC Series for experienced overclockers and high-end users to the Platinum Series for entry-level enthusiasts and gamers, OCZ 4GB modules are configured for a variety of needs and budgets. Modules are available in either 8GB dual channel or 12GB triple channel kits and reach industry-leading frequencies up to 2133MHz.

All OCZ 4GB modules operate at a low-voltage specification of 1.65V and are tested and qualified on the latest AMD and Intel platforms to ensure ultimate performance and stability. Each module comes backed by the industry-leading OCZ Lifetime Warranty and technical support for unparalleled peace of mind.

News Source: OCZ Technology Group Press Release

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